Online Learning System For Practicing In Passing IELTS Tests


CHALLENGE Our team faced the task to create online learning system for practicing in passing IELTS tests online. SOLUTION We coped with the task to create the learning platform using modern technologies and frameworks during the project very quickly. We created the website with JS and attributes of JS: Node.js, ExpresJS, PhantomJS, Angular, Gulp, PM2. We created design and layout very quickly using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap. MySQL was used for creating the database. Using Docker helped us to deliver software in packages. Gulp allowed to spend less time coding for similar tasks which increases productivity of our developers. Result evaluation became easier and user are supported with online test and materials to get better results. IELTS is a very popular test to prove and document English skills. This testing is world standard, therefore, results of testing are recognized all over the world. It is used for admission to higher education establishments in foreign countries and for applying for a job if it is necessary to communicate with English-speaking customers or managers. As obtaining a certificate is significant because it gives broad perspectives, the learning platform becomes relevant in order to better prepare for this test. The key features of the website are firstly providing materials for preparation and secondly integration by online registration system with testing centres where certificates can be received. An individual approach is applied from teachers for every registered user thanks to subscription created by our developers. In addition to this, users can find other people preparing for IELTS in social networks. Admins of the website actively promote accounts in social networks. New posts are useful for continuous learning. Links to social networks mean possibility to make friendship with other users and, therefore, practice communication with real people. Users can click on the item named “IELTS Listening” of header menu and practice listening. There are some samples of listening tests, every test includes 40 questions divided into sections according to the type of a question.Questions of sections sometimes are divided in subgroups. It’s possible to download records and listen to it offline. The same thing goes for reading. As for writing and speaking parts the website gives key words for the most popular topics. Thank to our business analytics the site includes many auxiliary things for learning English. Users do not need to open another site to count words of their essays as there is a word counter. Also platform provides the calculator of results to better understand the general level of skills and knowledge. The calculator consists of four indicators which reflect results of writing, listening, reading and speaking. The system automatically counts points for each correct answer. Moreover, global search on the site make it possible to search very quickly. Users do not have to search something on every page and be not sure that they miss required words of search. In order to make the users better prepared for the test and get excellent results, the site provides a list of books for preparation available for download. The platform became very useful for learning English and preparing for world tests.
  • Node.js
  • JavaScript
  • JavaScript.
  • Node.js