DECIDE Treatment


Innlandet Hospital Trust is part of the Regional Health Authority of Southern and Eastern Norway and serves the counties of Hedmark and Oppland. Innlandet Hospital unites six somatic hospitals that mostly treat physical disorders and two psychiatric hospitals focused on mental illnesses. Services: -Prototyping -UI/UX Design -Mobile Application Development -Quality Assurance The App: The main purpose of the DECIDE Treatment application is to help patients be better informed about their own therapy. The app involves them in healthcare decision-making through an intuitive, comprehensive and a fully personalized web and mobile portal tailored particularly to their personal medical records. The process is organized through the incorporation of risks vs. benefits scenarios when selecting treatment options. Key Featyres: - Calculates and visualizes the best medical options -Provides patients with a clear and detailed description of all benefits and concerns associated with the prescribed treatment -Empowers patients to track their progress within selected timespans -Provides easy sharing of healthcare information and more.
  • QA
  • Mobile Application
  • Mobile App Design
  • C#
  • Javascript
  • .NET
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Apache Cordova
  • Ionic