Mobile Cryptocurrencies Wallet


What does the app do Our platform allows to buy, convert, invest money, conduct payments, and get the latest market statistic even for unbanked people from third world countries. We replace IDs and biometric signatures, and that will save a lot of time for users. The system based on the blockchain technology, which guarantees strong security for all transactions and virtual wallets. The application offers over 20 cryptocurrencies - bitcoin, litecoin, ethereum, dash, ripple, etc. A user can choose one of them or invest in different cryptocurrencies at once, and even in this case, it is possible to control all financial processes at one place. A cryptography price tracker available in the real-time mode, which helps investors keep an eye on the proses and be one step ahead.
  • Python
  • Flask
  • GraphQL
  • React Native
  • Microservices
  • SASS