

Our goal To support a current version of web app on iOS and Android and to create visual design for new version of the app for cryptocurrency based on Blockchain 4.0.⁠⠀ Web App Support The current version of the web app on Android allows to hold wallets in different cryptocurrency, ⁠to transfer money and monitor currency rates. ⁠#MetaWallet Beta app is now available in Google Play. iOS version is published on App Store as an in-house app and only available via private channels. Web app is great for MVP so that potential clients and investors can try the product and to evaluate its potential and benefits. But it has limits like slow performance, poor user experience and problems with offline storage and security in comparison to native apps. That's why we decided to make MetaWallet more exclusive, more personal and native. And we have created new visual design, on the basis of which apps for iOS and Android will be developed in the nearest future. Features The key features of the app Home page shows the total assets value with general dynamic on the market. The feed is connected with most valuable currencies and recent wallets and can be navigated with help of native selectors and bars. Wallet settings show a variety of actions can be done to your wallet. User can also find transaction history and redo any of them if necessary. Create new wallet It can be done several ways – by import from QR code and by automatic generation. User can choose any convenient method, and the security of the transmitted data will be ensured. Transactions User can send funds or request them by choosing any particular currency and wallet. It can be made by taping on the center button on home screen.
  • Android
  • Android