
The world's first smartphone jewelry lightbox is your all-in-one jewelry photography and 360 video solution PROJECT OVERVIEW Our Client, Picup Media, specializes in high-quality jewelry photo retouching for various customers. At a certain point, Picup Media grasped that smartphones had almost overcome standard photo cameras, as they are small, easy to carry, easy to use, and, actually, have now quite good built-in cameras. That drove the Client to the idea to create a comprehensive hardware and software solution to photograph jewelry for everyone who has a smartphone. That’s how GemLightBox solution was born. When the Client came to us, they already had GemLightBox App developed but it didn’t meet the Client’s requirements in terms of optimization, functionality, and performance, which needed to be significantly improved. There were also other challenges to be addressed, which are shown below: Find a reliable software development partner to outsource development of mobile applications for both Android and iOS devices; Get fully functional Android and iOS apps; Find an optimum solution to improve camera quality on all devices regardless of the platform and physical sensor type; Obtain modern and native design in the apps; Track the project development process and intervene, if needed, at any time. SOLUTION DIGIS developers were awarded the contract to re-built the existing Android mobile solution of the Client so that to upgrade its design and implement algorithms allowing to get high quality of photographs virtually on all Android devices, and to transform the existing outdated iOS version of the app into a new, functional, and user-friendly product. DIGIS also needed to add advanced photo editing functions to ensure the best quality of jewelry photos. CLIENT RESULTS Having chosen DIGIS as an outsourced partner to develop their software, the Client obtained required results that facilitated their business and technical operations, namely: Obtained their fully functional mobile apps for Android and iOS within the agreed period of time; Managed to offer their customers a unique, studio-quality photography solution for the jewelry industry; Remained in full control of the development process and provided their valuable input as required; Needn’t to hire and pay in-house developers and pay associated taxes; Improved their brand awareness and number of citations and searches which later converted into purchasers; Focused on their business matters and didn’t waste time on technical issues. ANDROID AND IOS APPS OPTIMIZATION AND DESIGN Following the Client’s wishes as to the UI/UX design of GemLightBox App and the newest Google Material Design Guidelines and Apple Human Interface Guidelines, DIGIS has injected the Client’s designs into the app. We picked up Kotlin and Swift as the primary technologies for this project as they allow getting not only quick but also accurate and results. We also used JavaRx as we needed to ensure synchronous operation of the app regardless of its load, and Android JetPack as it is a perfect choice to speed up and optimize the development environment for Android app. Choice of Kotlin allowed DIGIS to add Kotlin Coroutines to substantially accelerate asynchronous programming and lighten the code of the app - all ‘heavy’ things are executed within libraries not within the source code body. Another technology we injected into the project was Koin as it is much easier than Dagger and ensures great processing of outside dependencies. In the case of the iOS version of the app, DIGIS developers used Swift as the programming language, iOS SDK and other Apple’s native tools and technologies.
  • Kotlin
  • Andriod
  • Retrofit
  • Firebase
  • AWS
  • Swift